Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

What was i guess all about ss501 now..

sorry if i'm seen like a fanatical fans or a mellow fans
i really miss the boys..
after all of the rumors..
after all of the bad messages..
*and btw,i have been watching Triple S Phillipina Project for support our oppas and the other Triple S of this worldwide, *..*..
and you know what?
i'm sure..
half of Triple S sometimes became stressful because of the rumors
who is not going to stress if they make you can not show the facts?
or maybe if the source if the story was a very large site?
no one will believe when the news came from this blog is not it?
I sometimes wonder what caused these rumors appear?
what because DSPent too long to give a formal statement to the fans?
therefore they make a lot of buzz?
oh .. they do not think if the fans are waiting for new information from SS501 as well?
and then ..
Duars .. they provide information that is very bad ..

then fans feel panic..feel confuse until this day.
is that what do they want?
make fans feel panic??

DSPent not yet given an official statement to the fans ..
so please believe in SS501 ..
if DSPent has provided us with information about SS501, we can feel whatever we want.
However, it will not happen today!
so do not believe the rumors if DSPent not provide us with information about the SS501.
if you've been watching the concert X-Concert SS501 videos* i forgot the date and month * , you will see or hear if the leaders and other members say that if they together will forever .. and do not believe in bad message or a rumor ..
Kim Hyun Joong even if not in DSPent again now, can we trust that they will make us know if their promise is real and will happen!

only that i think ..
I must stress to make the words in english: D
but I'm sad when I remember the rumors and bad messages
Triple S, we must be strong
because SS501 oppa is our idol .. our boyfriends .. our family .. .. Our inspiration and much more
they need us to trust them. they don't need us to trust the rumors

believe me,SS501 will give us the best they can do..
they miss us like we miss them :) :)
don't you all remember "Pea Princess" song?

do you all remember this?

we know if they love us..
they made the song just for us ^^
so please believe to them!!

and btw,sorry if the english so bad
it's because of the google translate
my words look not correct when i brought it to the transtool

Kim Hyung Jun Tweet

our oppa,Kim Hyung Jun very know if we're,Triple S,mising him and the other members of SS501 so much...
because of what i said that?
yesterday,he wrote and posted something
and today he did the same thing too
don't you feel happy Triple S?
cause he knows if we're missing them ^^
oh.. so happy when i know if he posted something 13 or 15 minutes ago.. - 쪼꼬는 털이 많이 길었다.. 눈이 안보일 정도로.

the translate:

SSFF Yoora "good. for a long time since our song being heared"

Kim Hyung Joon, baby of SS501 misses his co-member and there group song, he still listen to there old song, cute for a celebrity.

Just post this to make all Triple S happy, even for a small thing.

Who will resist the very cute dorky and handsome baby? In your Smile baby Joon all Maknae's Baby will melt. :)

source: daily k pop

SS501 facts III

hehe.. the group is updating facts now.. makes me feel happy..cause it's about SS501 forever

so..these are the facts..

"Youngsaeng: "We will always be forever as one." #random501facts"
"Kyujong: "I struggled in the group, but the members told me i could do it. They hold me here." #random501facts"
"Jungmin: "SS501 is the stronghold of my life." #random501facts"
"Kyujong's mother (to him): "You have a warm heart that able you to care for the others, you have the passion for your work You worked hard to make everything perfect for your dream to come true." And Kyujong cried. #random501facts"
"Baby: "Even though we splitted up to do work, we've never really separated." SS501. Forever as one, in their hearts. #random501facts"
"Youngsaeng's grandpa had another name in mind for him - 'Heo Kil Young'. #random501facts"
"Hyunjoong becomes a bad boy in front of women. #random501facts"

"Kyujong bathes the least in SS501. #random501facts"

btw,cassie has a trending topic today?
cause i saw there's a TT with #imissdbsk ??

News Today About Davichi, VIP, and taeyang

“From Me To You” Davichi menjadi nomer satu

Girl duo Davichi’s “From Me To You” Cho Young Soo ‘All Star Album’ telah mencapai nomor satu di chart musik online segera setelah dirilis!

Sebelumnya, keduaya mengupload foto diri, merekam lagu itu dan itu menjadi topik panas di internet karena kulit putih bersih mereka. lagu itu dan sejak MVnya dirilis seharusnya dapat membuat mereka melambung lebih tinggi. Lagu ini adalah sekuel MC Mong dan Seo In Young “Bubble Love,” yang dirilis awal tahun ini.


Taeyang sedang cari pacar ??

G-Dragon secara mengejutkan berkata “[Ketawa], Aku tidak tahu apakah itu karena katanya Taeyang bilang ‘I Need a girl’ di Strong Heart, tetapi perempuan yang di telepon Taeyang semua nya mengobrol lama sekali di telepon.”

“Sepertinya semua orang di YG tahu bahwa Taeyang sedang mencari pacar. Sepertinya Taeyang akan menemukan pacar segera. Taeyang memiliki banyak karisma dalam dirinya. hahaha “

Ehm,, kira2 siapa yah cewe yang di Telepon Taeyang?? Yuri kah?? hahah,, akankah Taeyang segera punya pacar,, haio kita doakan!!

Source: baidu
Translation: Maggie @ibigbang
Ind Trans:Elalolipop@asianfansclub


Seorang VIP Rela Mencukur Rambut Karena Big Bang !

ngubek-ngubek google dan berhasil menemukan fans besar big bang.. penting ga penting cuma mau share aja wkwk ~

Wakatsuki Chinatsu (26) seorang fan besar Big Bang.

dia menarik perhatian gue karena gue kaget liat foto rambut dia yang di cukur berberbentuk huruf “B B”. dia mencukur rambutnya pada bulan Februari 2010. nah ini foto rambutnya setelah di cukur ..

Bahkan nama Wakatsuki Chinatsu sudah terdaftar lebih dari 30 konser terbesar yang pernah di adakan oleh Big Bang.

“Segala sesuatu dalam perubahan jadwal kerja saya sesuai dengan jadwal Big Bang,” katanya. Bahkan, Wakatsuki mengatakan…

“Big Bang adalah alasanku untuk hidup.“
gue juga seorang VIP ! apakah saya harus mencukur rambut ?? sekalian tatto ahh ~



it's for indonesian K-Lovers..

jadi Indonesia...
sepertinya project kita sedang berusaha untuk bisa sampai ke telinga and tangan oppa2 and eonnie2 kita disana..
so.. aku mau bantu promosiin nih..
*dapet dari FB :D * well...aku sebenernya gak pantes ikut voting ^.^
1st,umurku terlalu muda
2nd,daerah asalku tuh NTB sedangkan di polling yang ada cuma 3 provinsi di Jawa..
but,sapa tau ada yang tertarik nge-vote?
jadi singers disana tau kita ada :)

this is the message
Ini adalah titipan message dr salah satu member KLI ttg acara Korean Sparkling Festival 2011 yg bakal d adain bulan Januari 2011 nanti...



Inti dari festival ini adalah membuka pikiran para artis Korea bahwa di Indonesia sekarang sedang ada ledakan kpop di berbagai kota di Indonesia. Selama ini yang mereka tahu hanyalah negara Filipina, Tailand, Vietnam dsb yang sudah heboh kpop, padahal di Indonesia pun sesungguhnya juga tidak kalah heboh dengan di Negara-negara tersebut, disebabkan belum terorganisir secara nasional.

Jadi goal dari acara tersebut adalah menarik perhatian Kedutaan Besar Korea untuk mau mensupport acara festival tersebut dengan mengutus siapapun artis-artis dari Korea yang kedubes pilih sebagai duta kebudayaan Korea di event festival tersebut. Di festival tersebut harapannya Kedutaan Besar Korea dapat memanggil para wartawan dari berbagai stasiun TV di Korea untuk meliput acara tersebut dan menyiarkannya di Negara mereka tentang fenomena di Indonesia.

Dan otomatis kalo stasiun TV di Korea saja datang untuk meliput acara festival tersebut harapannya semoga banyak media massa lokal dan nasional di Indonesia juga ikut mem blow-up acara festival tersebut di kancah infotainment bahwa United of Kpop Lovers Indonesia menunjukkan eksistensi komunitas kpop lovers dan kpop fandom di berbagai kota di Indonesia.

Apabila kpop lovers setuju dengan konsep acara tersebut dan berkeinginan agar ledakan kpop di Indonesia ini terdengar di kalangan artis-artis Korea sehingga mengusik hati manajemen artis agar para artis dibawah naunggannya untuk konser di Indonesia ke depan nya. Lakukan langkah-langkah berikut :

1.Kabari para admins apabila anda akan mengadakan gathering kpop fandom di kota anda, agar acara anda dapat kami cantumkan di dalam proposal yang akan kami ajukan ke Kedubes Korea sebagai jalinan kerjasama dengan United of Kpop Lovers Indonesia. (pengumpulan informasi akan ditutup akhir bulan Agustus).

2.Sebarkan link grup
ke berbagai official site radio, TV, majalah lokal atau pun nasional di Indonesia dan Korea. Contoh media massa di Korea : KBS World, MBC, dsb. Serta ke berbagai social networking seperti FB, FS, My Space, Twitter, Plurk, dsb. Atau bisa ke portal yang padat pengunjung seperti Soribada, Melon, Asian Fans Club, Daily Kpop Nwes, Jenpoo, Kpop Live, Kaskus, dsb.

3.Download foto ini, reupload dan copy paste keterangan ini, tag ke kpop lovers yang laen. Andaikan 1 orang reupload 5foto@tag ke 50 orang, berarti kpop lovers sudah berjasa di dalam kegerakan ledakan kpop di Indonesia.
(Foto ada d fto group yaa...)

Proposal sementara untuk jalin kerjasama dengan panitia United of Kpop Lovers Indonesia dalam pencantuman nama event kpop di daerah ke dalam proposal resmi yg akan di serahkan ke Kedubes Korea

Job Description panitia United of Kpop Lovers

Pendaftaran Panitia United of Kpop Lovers

Kirim Form Pendaftaran Panitia ke :
General Koordinator :
General Secretary :
(kirimnya harus ke-2 email tersebut yah)


Nah ini ada vote yg bisa kalian ikutin buat milih kota mana yg akan menjadi tempat buat Korean Sparkling Festival 2011...
Pilihan kotanya Yogyakarta, Bandung dan Jakarta..
Vote d sini yaa::

Source: Maria Charlotta Grace,, Hansamo,, KLI 2,, KLI 3

ah..sayang yah NTB gak masuk >o< style="text-decoration: underline;">

Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

The Expensive Guy-Kibum

The Expensive Guy -Kibum-

nih orang usiiiiil bgt ma Kevin…

Nama : Kim Ki Bum
Nama Panggilan : Ki Bum
D.O.B : 29 Desember 1990
H/W : 53 kg/180 cm
Blood Type : O
Miss Right : Dana Han
Keahlian : Compose music, poppin, dance, Japanese, piano, acting
Hobi : main musik, berenang, membaca
Keluarga : Orangtua, Kakak laki-laki
Facts about him :
- banyak yg nyangka kalo dia leader di u-kiss ( termasuk staff AAU =3=a ) makanya kita manggil dia unofficial leader since u-kiss had no leader coz they can lead each other hahaha
- kakaknya Kim Hyung Joon merupakan member SS501
- mantan member boyband XING bareng Kevin
- bareng kakaknya, dia compose music bareng. N mereka menyebut nama tim mereka adlah H&B n satu lagu m
ereka adlah “ Want It” yang dinyanyiin SS501
- dia digosipin numpang beken pake nama abangnya *what a poor man *
- so close with Kevin sejak di XING

Credits: soompi+ukissme sg+dv article+ocha for editing In AAU

U-KISS Interviem on 22 februari


Just like ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, the latest release by U-KISS ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ is also racing towards the top spot in the music industry. ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ which is U-KISS’s title song from the 1st album, is composed by Brave Brothers, who has been working with them since their debut.

Seperti ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, rilisan terbaru dr U-KISS ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ jg meroket didunia industri musik. ‘Bingeul Bingeul’ adlh jdul lagu U-KISS dr 1st album, yg dkomposi oleh Brave Brothers, yg berkerja sama dgn mrk sjak mrk debut.

For U-KISS, their activities for the 1st full album are really important. As a popular idol group, it’s a stepping stone to obtain higher achievements.

utk U-KISS, aktifitas mrk utk 1st album sangat penting. Seperti sebuah grup idola popular, ini adlh sbuah langkah yg baik utk mndptkan prestasi yg lbh tinggi.

We get to meet U-KISS on the 17th where they showed their overflowing confidence. All 7 members agreed “First of all, our goal is to get the #1 spot. We haven’t got the #1 spot yet, so this wish is our priority right now.”

Kami dpt bertemu U-KISS pda tgl 17 kemarin dmana mrk dpt menunjukan penuh kepercayaan mrk. Ke-semua 7 member yakin “Pertama-tama, tujuan kami adlh utk mndptkan psisi #1. Kami td mndpt posisi #1 lgi, sehingga keinginan ini adlh prioritas kami sekarang.”

  • “Bingeul Bingeul’s Whirlwind Dance’ Another Hot Stuff!”

Their 1st full album entitled ‘\’U-KISS 1st ONLY ONE’ was released last February 3rd and entered music charts as well as the music video charts at #1 and #2 respectively a day later. It means a lot to them because lots of fans were waiting for the release of the title track. The ‘Whirlwind Dance’ which is as addictive as ‘Strong Guy Dance’, is already becoming a big hit.

1st album mrk yg brjudul ‘\’U-KISS 1st ONLY ONE’ tlah dirilis pda tgl 3 Februari dan msuk kberbgai chart musik dgn baik bserta chart musik video dgn posisi #1 dan #2 dlm wkt singkat. Ini smua dperuntukan oleh mrk pda byk fans yg menunggu track ini drilis. The ‘Whirlwind Dance’ ini sangat adiktif dgn ‘Strong Guy Dance’, yg akn mnjadi hit besar.

“We felt dizzy as we keep turning round and round. (Hahaha) We don’t know if people see it, but there are times that we get confused for a couple of seconds on stage after turning around so much. But now we’re doing fine since we’ve got used to it” (Eli)

”Kami merasa pusing ketika harus berbalik dan berputar. (Hahaha) kami tdk tau jika orang-orang melihat ini, tapi ada saat-saat yg membuat kami bingung selama beberapa detik di atas panggung setelah berbalik begitu banyak. Tapi skrg kami baik-baik saja karena kami sdh terbiasa dengan hal ini” (Eli)

“Compared to our ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, we use hands-free mics in order to give advantages during performance. We’re really like it as it (the song) has stronger and more masculine feeling.” (Kibum)

Dibandingkan dgn ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, kami gunakan hands-free mics dlm bentuk utk memberikan kemdhan selama tampil. Kami benar-benar menyukainya karena (lagu ini) lbh kuat dan lebih perasaan maskulin. (Kibum)

Actually, it’s a pity that they didn’t get to promote ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ for a longer period of time. They could have created a fever/trend by appearing on the entertainment variety programs. Dongho said in a cute way “Now is the season on Winter Olympics, I think that ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ song can be used to tell the opponents that Korea is not an easy country (in sports), right? At least, that’s what I think.”

Sebenarnya, ini sangat sayang sekali bahwa mereka tidak mendptkan untuk wkt yg panjang utk mempromosikan ‘Man Man Ha Ni’. Mereka bisa menciptakan demam/tren dgn muncul di berbagai program hiburan. Dgn imut-nya, Dongho mngatakan “skrg musim Winter Olympics, aku rasa lagu ‘Man Man Ha Ni’ itu dpt digunakan utk mengatakan kepada lawan bahwa Korea adalah negara yang tidak mudah utk dikalahkan (dalam olahraga), kan? Paling tidak, itulah yg aku pikir.”

However, what’s more important for U-KISS is to show their new images to all the music fans. 2 years after debuting, they finally released their 1st full album that showcased their passion and hard work that they have been hiding all this while. The album contains a total of 14 tracks including their debut song ‘Not Young’ as well as ‘I Like You’, ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, all in remix version while the new songs are ‘Bingeul Bingeul’, ‘Without You’, ‘What’ etc.

Namun, apapun yg lbh penting utk U-KISS adlh utk menunjukkan new images mrk kpd smua pnggemar musik. 2 thn stlah debut, akhirnya mrk merilis 1st album dgn memamerkan semangat mrk dan kerja keras yang telah disembunyikan slama ini. Isi album mrk trdiri dari 14 track jdul lagu termasuk lagu debut mrk ‘Not Young’ dan jg ‘I Like You’, ‘Man Man Ha Ni’, smuanya dlm versi remix tak trkecuali lagu terbaru mrk sperti ‘Bingeul Bingeul’, ‘Without You’,’What’, dll.

“Our 1st full album contains songs from our debut days as well as from the single albums, and the reason of including the remix version of those songs are because they were too precious and we want to you to listen to those songs again.” (Soohyun)

”1st album kami berisi dari lagu-lagu debut kami dan lagu-lagu dari single album, dan alasan termasuk versi remix dari lagu-lagu kami karena mereka terlalu berharga dan kami ingin kalian untuk mendengarkan lagu-lagu lagi ini.” (Soohyun)

“While working for this album, the electricity went out so many times as during the filming of the MV. I really want this album to hit the jackpot. Hahaha” (Dongho)

“Disaat bekerja utk album ini, listrik sering padam saat pembuatan MV. Aku benar-benar ingin album ini jackpot. Hahaha” (Dongho)

  • ‘Loosely Idol’ U-KISS “No leader but we’ll here for each other~”

U-KISS will benefit from the popularity of its members as each topics related to the members will lead them to U-KISS. They have a good teamwork than other groups, and lift up the atmosphere by saying “Whenever we’re together, we’ll laugh till we feel exhausted”.

U-KISS akan mendptkan keuntungan dari popularitas anggotanya karena setiap topik yang terkait dengan anggota akan menuntun mereka ke grup mrk, U-KISS. Mereka memiliki kerja sama tim yang baik daripada kelompok lain, dan mengangkat suasana dengan mengatakan “Setiap kali kita bersama-sama, kita akan tertawa sampai kita merasa lelah”.

Alexander said “Our team has no leader. Each of us has the responsibilities like a leader to remind us about life. We’re never been to the training camp either but our relationship is like real brothers.”

Alexander mngatakan “Kami adlh tim tnpa leader. Setiap dari kami mempunyai tanggung jawab seperti seorang pemimpin utk mengingatkan kami tentang kehidupan. Kami pernah ke kamp pelatihan baik tapi hubungan kami seperti saudara nyata.”

The cheerful and friendly atmosphere that the team brought whenever they were in an entertainment variety programs has left them with a nickname ‘Loosely Idol’. Among them, the youngest Dongho has become the blue-chip of the entertainment variety programs, by receiving an explosive lovecalls from the PDs. Being a member of KBS 2TV ‘Invincible Baseball Team’ program, Dongho has played a major role in making U-KISS’s name known to the public naturally.

Yang ceria dan ramah suasana bahwa tim dibawa setiap kali mereka berada di berbagai program hiburan telah meninggalkan mereka dengan julukan ‘Loosely Idol’. Diantaranya, si magnae Dongho yg menjdi blue-chip dari berbagai program hiburan, dengan menerima bahan peledak lovecalls dari byk PD. Mnjdi anggota dr acra KBS 2TV ‘Invincible Baseball Team’, Dongho mnjadi pemain utama membuat nama U-KISS byk dkenal publik scra natural.

Dongho who appeared with his cute and aegyo through the entertainment variety programs, has become a hot topic among the internet’s reporters recently. He recently revealed that his ideal woman in actress Shin Min Ah. Dongho revealed “I only said once that I like stylish woman, and that statement is killing me now”.

Dongho yg muncul dgn manis dan aegyo melalui berbagai program hiburan, telah menjadi topik panas di kalangan wartawan internet itu baru-baru ini. Baru baru ini dia mngatakan bahwa wanita idealnya adlh aktris Shin Min Ah. Dongho mngungkapkan “sjak itu aku brkta, aku ska gaya wanita, dan prnytaan itu mmbunuhku skrg”.

Soohyun informed that they will be active in entertainment variety programs as well as promoting their newly released album. Recently, a rumor about the witty & talkative Soohyun and 2AM’s Jokwon ‘Dating’ was brought up through one entertainment variety program.

Soohyun diberitahu bahwa mrk akan aktif dlm berbagai program hiburan serta mempromosikan album mereka yang baru dirilis. Baru-baru ini, sebuah rumor tentang si cerdas & si cerewet Soohyun dan 2AM’s Jokwon ‘Kencan’ dibesarkan melalui salah satu program berbagai hiburan.

Soohyun spoke about his close relationship with Jokwon “Our families are really close ever since our trainee days (JYPE trainees), so we know each other’s personality inside and outside. Of course I’d be happier than the others when 2AM received #1.”

Soohyun berbicara tentang hubungan dekat dengan Jokwon “keluarga kami benar-benar dekat sejak peserta hari pelatihan kami (JYPE trainee), sehingga kita saling mengenal kepribadian dalam dan luar. Tentu saja aku akan lebih bahagia daripada yang lain ketika 2AM diterima di posisi #1.”

Eli and Kibum too, leave a big impression through their participation in Thai drama “Autumn’s Destiny”. The two of them who has a sculpture image as well as solid body, have made people anticipate seeing them as actors.

Eli dan Kibum juga, meninggalkan kesan yang besar melalui partisipasi mereka dalam drama Thai “Autumn’s Destiny”. Dua dari mereka yang memiliki citra yg baik serta postur body yg bagus, telah membuat orang mengantisipasi melihat mereka sebagai aktor.

U-KISS differentiated themselves with the other idol groups. “We’re more international. The members come from different backgrounds, and initially planned as an international group. Each member knows at least 1 or 2 foreign languages. That was the reason why we held our debut stage in Japan.”

U-KISS membedakan diri dengan kelompok yang lain.”Kami lebih internasional. Para anggota berasal dari latar belakang yang berbeda, dan pada awalnya direncanakan sebagai kelompok internasional. Setiap anggota tahu setidaknya 1 atau 2 bahasa asing. Itulah alasan mengapa kami mengadakan tahap debut kami di Jepang.”

U-KISS said “We must get our recognition in Korea first in order to have successful international activities. Receiving love from our domestic (Korea) fans is much more important than the international activities.”

U-KISS mengatakan, “Kami harus mendapatkan pengakuan di Korea utk pertama telah sukses kegiatan internasional. Menerima cinta dari negeri kami (Korea) penggemar jauh lebih penting daripada kegiatan-kegiatan internasional.”

U-KISS will end their 1st album activities by having large-scale fan meetings as well as concerts in Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan as other Asian countries starting in April.

U-KISS akan mngakhiri aktifitas 1st album mrk dgn mlakukan fanmeeting berskala besar serta konser di Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan dan brbagai negara Asia lainnya yg akn dmulai pda bulan April.

“We want to be a group that receives lots of love through music and the members…like DBSK and Sechkiss sunbaenim. We want to be the first idol to have a car’s commercial too. Hahaha!”

“Kami ingin menjadi kelompok yang menerima banyak cinta melalui musik dan anggota… seperti DBSK dan Sechkiss sunbaenim. Kami ingin menjadi idola pertama punya mobil komersial juga. Hahaha!”

Credits: + contiukiss.wp (English translation) + jaymie501@ROCKTEBOXX.NET (English translation) + Vie @ AAU Blog (Indonesia Translation)

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010


etoriya (x4)

Bwabwa nareul bwabwa ttokbaro nae du nuneul bwa
Geobwa imi neoneun ddan goseul bogo isseo
Check it one two three sigyebaneulman chyeoda boneun gae
Mal an haedo dareun saram saenggingeol ara

Yojeum neon na anin dareun saramgwa mannami jatdeora
Ijeneun meonjeo jeonhwado geolji andeora
Narang isseul ttaeneun haruga 1chorado neon Nae apeseo yojeum haneulman bodeora
Oh~ I know your mind imi neowa naui geori
Meoreojin geurigo beoreojin namboda motan uri sai

*Oh baby
Oetoriya Oetoriya
Oetoriya Oetoriya
Oetoriya Oetoriya
Sarange seulpeohago
Sarange nunmuljitneun oetori
Sad (x6) tonight
Gaseumi apa
Oh no no no no no body knows
Mam molla
One two three four five six seven eight night
Su manheun bameul
Seumyeo nareul dallaego isseo

Charari dareun saram saenggyeotdago
Naega sirheumyeon sirtago
Charari soljikhage malhaejwotdamyeon
Nan neoreul jukdorok miwohajin anhasseul tende

Check it one two three ne mareul doesaegyeo bwado irijeori dulleodaeneun geojitmariya

(Repeat *)

Sarangi gane sarangi ddeonane
Han sarameul geurigo han sarangeul
Naegeneun iksukhaetdeon modeun geotdeureul
I bami gamyeon neol jiwoyagetji
Geurae na eokjirorado neoreul jiwoyagetji nal beorin neol saenggakhamyeon geuraeyagetji
(Gone Gone my love is gone)

Oetoriya Oetoriya
Daridiridara du
Oetoriya Oetoriya
Oetoriya Oetoriya
Sarange apahago
Sarangeul gidarineun oetori
Sad (x6) tonight
Kkum igil wonhae
Oh no no no no no body knows
Nal molla
One two three four five six seven eight night



너 같은 사람 또 없어 (No Other)
[YS] 너 같은 사람 또 없어 주위를 둘러봐도 그저 그렇던 걸 어디서 찾니
[KH]너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 마음 너같이 좋은 선물
[YS] 너무 다행이야 애써 너를 지켜줄 그 사람이 바로 나라서 어디서 찾니
[KH] 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 웃는 그런 최고로 행복한 놈

너의 따뜻한 그 두 손이 차갑게, 차갑게 식어 있을 때
너의 강했던 그 마음이 날카롭게 상처 받았을 때
[DH] 내가 잡아줄게 안아줄게 살며시, 그것으로 작은 위로만 된다면 좋겠어
언제나 더 많은 걸 해주고 싶은 내 맘 넌 다 몰라도 돼
[KH] 가슴이 소리쳐 말해 자유로운 내 영혼
언 제나 처음의 이 마음으로 너를 사랑해 걸어왔던 시간보다 남은 날이 더 많아
[KH/ZM?] 너 같은 사람 또 없어 주위를 둘러봐도 그저 그렇던 걸 어디서 찾니
[KH/SM] 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 마음 너같이 좋은 선물
[EH] 너무 다행이야 애써 너를 지켜줄 그 사람이 바로 나라서 어디서 찾니
[KH/EH] 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 웃는 그런 최고로 행복한 놈
[SW] 나 의 가난했던 마음이 눈부시게 점점 변해갈 때
작은 욕심들이 더는 넘치지 않게 내 맘의 그릇 커져갈 때
[SM] 알고 있어 그 모든 이유는 분명히 네가 있어주었다는 것, 그것 딱 하나 뿐
언제나 감사해. 내가 너만큼 그리 잘 할 수 있겠니
[LT] 가슴 이 소리쳐 말해 자유로운 내 영혼
언제나 처음의 이 마음으로 너를 사랑해 걸어왔던 시간보다 남은 날이 더 많아
[RW/YS] 너 같은 사람 또 없어 주위를 둘러봐도 그저 그렇던 걸 어디서 찾니
[RW/KH] 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 마음 너같이 좋은 선물
[HC/SM] 너무 다행이야 애써 너를 지켜줄 그 사람이 바로 나라서 어디서 찾니
[KH] 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 웃는 그런 최고로 행복한 놈
[EH] 있잖아 조금 아주 조금 나 수줍지만 넌 몰라 속은 태양보다 뜨거워 내 맘 좀 알아줘
TV쇼에 나오는 Girl들은 무대에서 빛이 난데도 넌 언제나 눈부셔 ([SD]내 가 미쳐 미쳐 Baby)
사 랑한단 너의 말에 세상을 다 가진 난 You & I, You’re so fine 너 같은 사람 있을까
[SD] 사랑해 오, 내게는 오직 너뿐이란 걸 바보 같은 나에게는 ([with RW/EH]) 전부라는 걸 알아줘
[KH] 같은 길을 걸어왔어 우린 서로 닮아가고 있잖아 놀라울 뿐이야 고마울 뿐이야 사랑할 뿐이야
[ALL] 너 같은 사람 또 없어 주위를 둘러봐도 그저 그렇던 걸 어디서 찾니
너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 사람 너같이 좋은 마음 너같이 좋은 선물
너무 다행이야 애써 너를 지켜줄 그 사람이 바로 나라서 어디서 찾니
나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 행복한 놈 나같이 웃는 그런 최고로 행복한 놈
너 같은 사람 또 없어
Neo gateun saram tto eopseo (No Other)
[YS] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
[KH] Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[YS] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
[KH] Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom
[RW] Neoui ttatteuthan geu soni chagapge, chagapge shikeo isseul ttae
Neoui ganghaetdeon geu ma eumi nal karopge sangcheo badasseul ttae
[DH] Naega jaba julge anajulge salmyeoshi, geugeoseuro jakeun iroman dwendamyeon johgesseo
Eonjena deo maneun geol haejugo shipeun nae mam neon da mollado dwae
[KH] Gaseumi sorichyeo marhae jayuro-un nae yeonghon
Eonjena cheo-eumui imaeum euro neoreul saranghae georeo watdeon shiganboda nameun nari deo manha
[KH/ZM?] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
[KH/SM] Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[EH] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
[KH/EH] Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom
[SW] Naui ganan haetdeon maeumi nunbushige jeomjeom byeonhaegal ttae
Jakeun yokshimdeuri deoneun neomchiji anhge nae mamui geureut keojyeogalttae
[SM] Argo isseo geu modeun iyuneun bunmyeonghi nega isseo ju-eotdaneun geot geu, geot ttak hana ppun
Eonjena gamsahae. Naega mankeum geuri jalhal su iggenni yeah
[LT] Gaseumi sorichyeo marhae jayuro-un nae yeonghon
Eonjena cheo-eumui imaeum euro neoreul saranghae georeo watdeon shiganboda nameun nari deo manha
[RW/YS] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
[RW/KH] Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
[HC/SM] Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
[KH] Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom
[EH] Itjanha jogeum aju jogeum na sujupjiman neon molla sokeun taeyangboda tteugeoweo nae mam jom arajweo
TV show-e na oneun Girl deureun mudae-eseo bichi nandedo neon eonjena nunbushyeo ([SD] Naega michyeo michyeo Baby)
Saranghandan neoui mare sesangeuk da gajin nan You & I, You’re so fine neo gateun saram isseulkka
[SD] Saranghae oh, negeneun ojik neoppun iran geol babo gateun na-egeneun ([with RW/EH]) jeonburaneungeol arajweo
[KH] Gateun gireul georeo wasseo urin seoro dalpagago itjanha nolla-ul ppuniya goma-ul ppuniya saranghal ppuniya
[ALL] Neo gateun saram tto eopseo juwireul dureobwado geujeo georeohdeongeol eodiseo channi
Neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun saram neo gatchi joheun ma eum neo gatchi joheun seonmul
Neomu dahaeng iya aesseo neorel jikyeojul geu sarami baro naraseo eodiseo channi
Na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi haengbokhan nom na gatchi unneun geureon choegoro haengbokhan nom

There’s no one like you (No Other)

There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
Your two warm hands gets cold when I’m cold
Your heart that used to be strong becomes sensitive when I’m hurt
Take my hands silently, hold me silently, I’m only wishing for such little comforts
You don’t know my heart that wanted to do more just for you
Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
When my greedy heart gradually search to other directions
When my mind can’t handle whenever my greed grow even more
I know all those reasons that clearly says that you’re here, it’s the only one
I’m always thankful. I could do better as you do
Call out my heart, free my soul
It always felt like the first time, these remaining days are more than the time that I came to love you
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
You know, I’m a little bit shy sometimes, you don’t know but you’re burning like the sun, please understand my feelings
Even those girls that appears on TV shows are sparkling, you’re always be the one in my eyes (I’m going crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me that you love me, I have everything in this world, You & I, You’re so fine, is there someone like you?
I love you Oh, please know it, to me there’s only you, that I stupidly see you as my everything
We arrived on the same road, we’re just the same, how surprising, how grateful, it’s love
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me
credits: dosirak + [info]sassydork (romanization&translation) @ [info] thepinkstrings
*labels are NOT that accurate, that’s only what I got from listening*


어리지 않아 ( not young)

(Narration) wat!! wat!! ye~~~ah…. u-kiss ya (u-kiss ya)
we’re the new kids on this block. ya heard~
stop treatin’ us like kids
cuz we’re not anymore u know wat i’m sayin’??
we’ all grown up (yeah~we’re all grown up!!) uh uh check it!!

naega museun marmanhamyeon eoringe mweol ara
eommaneun hangsang naege neon ajik mojara

nan cheongmal, cheongmallo
ije da charattneunde al keon da maneun nainde


nan ije nan ije…eorinaega aninde

neomu taptaphae~

You don’t know what I feel right now

cheortae eorijiga anha teo isang kkomaengiga anya
I know what’s love, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….
ijen ch’eorbujiga anya da k’eun eoreuniran marya
I know the world, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….

keunyeo ap’e seomyeon nan tututu tugeunde
saramdeuleun muleobwa keunyeoga nunu nugunde

sarangeul alryeojun nae nune puleul k’yeojun
naui ch’eonsa, naui ch’eonsa, ch’eot sarang lalalalala

eorin ge mweol ara~

todaech’e almyeon eolmana aneunde

k’eo pomyeon da ara~

You gon’ be my lady, yuhu~

cheortae eorijiga anha teo isang kkomaengiga anya
I know what’s love, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….
ijen ch’eorbujiga anya da k’eun eoreuniran marya
I know the world, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….

Oh oh, iriro hadeon ireul meomch’ugo
Oh oh, get it on, let me talk to you
Oh oh, uriga kkomaengi not anymore
Oh oh… I know how to love!

Uh, teo isangeun, I ain’t a kkoma
I’m a grown man
saranghal chunbiga twaesseo nan
ready for romance
wae chakku nae mam moreugo
namja anin dongsaeng
euro parabwa eorindan mal
keuman chom hae

musi musihae~
nae mameul mollajuni
mushi mushihae~
uri pumonim malgo
chosim chosimhae~
I’m a big boy
nan chakjiman pogipoda

cheortae eorijiga anha teo isang kkomaengiga anya
I know what’s love, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….
ijen ch’eorbujiga anya da k’eun eoreuniran marya
I know the world, nado aneungeol, yat’pojima, kkapuljima….


Hey girl what’s up?
I miss you baby
I want you back here with me, you know
By my side
I just don’t know how to say this, but
I love you

Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine
I’m leaving my life in your hands
People say I’m crazy and that I am blind
Risking it all in a glance
And how you got me blind is still a mystery
I can’t get you out of my head
Don’t care what is written in your history
As long as you’re here with me

I don’t care who you are
Where you’re from
What you did
As long as you love me
Who you are
Where you’re from
Don’t care what you did
As long as you love me

Every little thing that you have said and done
Feels like it’s deep within me (Ooh~)
Doesn’t really matter if you’re on the run
It seems like we’re meant to be

Chorus repeat

Girl, don’t you know what’s tickin’ my mind?
I’ve got no clue about what I can do
I’m tired of loneliness, being a friend of mine
Girl, there’s one more thing I want to say to you

I’ve tried to hide it so that no one knows
But I guess it shows
When you look into my eyes
What you did and where you are comin’ from
I don’t care, as long as you love me, baby.

Come back to my side baby
I miss you

Chorus repeat

Who you are
Where you’re from
Don’t care what you did
As long as you love me
(Repeat to fade)

Girl, don’t you know what’s tickin’ my mind?
I’ve got no clue about what I can do
I’m tired of loneliness, being a friend of mine
Girl there’s one more thing I want to say to you
I love you so much
I’m going (so crazy)
Home on the couch
I’m acting (so lazy)
Baby girl, i want you here when you’re not here
I want you back here with me baby
I just want you to love me
Don’t care what you’ve done or where you’re from
Baby, just come back
As long as you love me

source: から’s Blog


Double S... 501 [x3]
Double S

HYUNJOONG. moreuneun cheok hago jeom jeom nega deo pyeonhae jigo
gakkeum dareun yeoja bogo saljjak gyeot nunjildo hae bogo

HYUNGJUN. ijeh dwin geot gata nega nae yeoja dwil geot gata
neodo nae maum al geot gata geureohke mideosseo

KYUJONG. garago haji mayo garago haji mayo
dashi han beon nal bondamyeon

SS501. la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la

SS501. La la la la la
Ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG. La la la la la la la la la
Ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG. La la la la la

JUNGMIN. jebal tteonajineun mara ijen dwae sseoyo
YOUNGSAENG. du beon dashi neun gureon mareun marayo
KYUJONG. modu chung bunhae ijen naega al geot gatayo
YOUNGSAENG. dashi neun gureon maleun haji marayo

JUNGMIN. han beon ppunirado jakku jeon hwado georeo bogo
sarang iran mal hanaro neh mam dollyeo hae bogo

KYUJONG. kkeut naeja neun mareh jeonbu jillyeott daneun mareh
naega shirheo jyeott daneun geu mareh amu mal mothae do

HYUNJOONG. garago haji mayo garago haji mayo
dashi geudaega undamyeon

SS501. la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la
SS501. la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la la la la la la
ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG.lal la la la la la la la la
ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG.lal la la la la la

JUNGMIN. jebal tteonajineun mara ijen dwae sseoyo
YOUNGSAENG. du beon dashi neun gureon mareun marayo
KYUJONG. modu chung bunhae ijen naega al geot gatayo
YOUNGSAENG. dashi neun geureon maleun haji marayo

HYUNGJUN. mojilke geureohke amureohji anhge
mudeom deom hage damdam hage nae gyeoteul tteona ganayo
HYUNJOONG. meoreojil surok jeom jeom jagajil surok jeom jeom
geudae man tteo ulla nan amu maldo amugeotdo

(la la la la la)
(la la la la la)
(la la la la la)
(la la la la la)

SS501. la la la la la , la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la
SS501. la la la la la
neol bu reu neun noraega ireon noreaga
YOUNGSAENG. lal la la la la la la la la la
ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG.lal la la la la la la la la
ireohke bulleo bwado neol bulleo bwado
YOUNGSAENG.lal la la la la la

JUNGMIN. jebal tteonajineun mara ijen dwae sseoyo
YOUNGSAENG. du beon dashi neun gureon mareun marayo
KYUJONG. modu chung bunhae ijen naega al geot gatayo
YOUNGSAENG. dashi neun geureon maleun haji marayo


SS501 – A Song Calling For You Translation (English)

double s501
double s
better than anyone else
I want someone I can call out for
Looking at other woman watching them carefully
The time is here
I think it is time we say good bye
I know what Im feeling right now
I believed it is supposed to be like this
Tell her dont leave
If u just can look at me one more time

A song calling for you
It’s calling for you

repeat *

Even thought Im calling for you like this
Even if I calling for you

*** Please go
A promise that you made a while ago
Don’t utter tose words again
This is the limit
I think I understand now
Don’t mention those words agian

Please can you wait (quitely)
Go away (quitely)
Leave me like this even if you to leave
The words ‘let’s stop’
Telling that it is too much
Telling me that you don’t like me anymore
Even thought there’s nothing I can say anymore
Tell her ‘don’t go’
Tell her ‘don’t go’
If you would came back to me

repeat * x2
repeat ** x2
repeat ***

Meanly stupidly as a man
Leave me as u get much far away
You become smaller
All I can think is only you
There’s nothing else i can do or say

repeat * x2
repeat ** x2
repeat ***


Lyrics by: H&B
Composed/Arranged by: Steven Lee, Sean Alexander, Jimmy Burney

mach'i chami teolkkaendeut kkumsogeseo neomaneul hemae
panjjakideon neoreul ch'ajaga (kieoksoge nae moseupch'eoreom)
tokhan sule (ch'wihandeut) haruharu nalboyeo (keunyeol ijeo)
dasihanbeon neoreul (ka''go sip'eo, girl~)

I CAN paraman porsuittdeon keotdo nan
tareun namjal pogo isseodo sanggwaneopseottneunde wae
cheomjeom neoreul weonhaega nal mich'ikemanhae

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

parkge pit''naneun areumdaun nuneul kajinneol mukkeodugo sip'eo
negaeman cheomjeom teo nal choe-eo-oneun, GIRL
neoneun naege tagaon sini naeryeojuneun siryeonch'eoreom
ap'eugo sseodo noheulsu eoptneun GIRL~

I CAN neo-ege chugo sip'eottdeon naemam
tareun namjalbogo isseodo
sanggwaneopseottneunde, wae chomjeom neoreul weonhaega nal
mich'igemanhae, NO~!

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

WATCH THIS, oneuldo nan neoreul, I'm so miss
chigeum nae ipsul, I'm need you, KISS
neoreul kidarineun na, what's this, that's I want the trust
romani zation by genesis at soompi forums ect
baby, nan jich'yeoga neoran yeojan na-ege ALL MY PAIN
maebeon naegeseo neoneun GO AWAY
nae simjang neo-eopsin, can't take another day...

neoreul porsurok, GONNA BE CRAZY
nal poneun neoui mamsoge nan eoptneungeonji~

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you~
naegen niga neomu so good, so good girl!
I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
cheomjeom teo ppajyeo-ppajyeoga


SS501 - Obsess Translation (English)

As if I were rousing from sleep, straying from a dream of only you
you came to me shining (just like how I remember it)
such strong liquor (I'm so drunk) getting by everyday (I gotta forget her)
Just one more time I... (I want to have you girl)

I can only see, I observe it too
I don't care if you look at another man, why...
I only want you more, and it's only driving me crazier

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

I want to lock into those sparkling, bright and beautiful eyes of yours
you're tightening around me harder and harder, girl
You came to me as if like something the gods sent down on probation
I'm so sick but I cannot let go

I can~ I wanted to give you my heart
you can even see other men. I won't care, oh why...
I only want you more, and it's only driving me crazier

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

Watch this, even today I miss you so much
Now my lips need your kiss
I'm waiting on you, what is this, I want the truth
trans lation by genesis at soompi forums
baby, I'm tired, all this woman is to me is pain
So many times you've gone away
without you my heart cannot take another day

When I see you, gonna be crazy
look at me, am I not in your heart?

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

I'm obsessed with you, wanna be with you
To me, you're so good, so good, girl~
I'm obsessed with you, gonna be with you
I'm falling so deep into indulgence...

credits: GENESIS @ soompi [Romanization and Translation Lyrics]


SS501 - Let Me Be The One Lyrics

look i know it has been a long time you know
now i gotta tell ya somethin’ so look at there

first thing first nega hago sipeun mal
eodiseo boteo sijakhae yahaljin mollado
nareum gominhaesso jigeumkkaji ajik jokeum sseokseu reupjiman …. (oh love)
jomdeo yongkinae bolke
ireon na tteugeo eunmal moshaneun nal aljanha
ilsaenge hanbeon nan jigeum ingeo gata
yeogiseo sijak halkke baby deuleojwo
let me be the one

let me be the one neomanui sarang naega dweogo siptago (let me be the one)
let me be the one nan harujongil neoman saenggak handago (oh love)
let me be the one na yaksokhalke neoreul wihae sandago (let me be the one)
let me be the one na yeongwontorok neoman saranghandago (oh love)

deo eopneun saenggakeun parami dweogo nunmuleun neomjyeo heullyeo jeo badareul irugo
manhi bujokhan na kateun namjado neoreul man nameuro i feel so special
so love love let me love you baby
and give love gijeok kateun geol
and let me imameul badajwo
cuz i wanna be with you girl

let me be the one neomanui sarang naega dweogo siptago (let me be the one)
let me be the one nan harujongil neoman saenggak handago (oh love)
let me be the one na yaksokhalke neoreul wihae sandago (let me be the one)
let me be the one na yeongwontorok neoman saranghandago (oh love)

nal bijna kehaneun geon sesange danhana
you’re the one in the million
sesangui manheun byeoljong naega som swirso ineun geo
nae gippeumdo seurpeumdo useumdo nunmuldo deo neo hanal wihae
neowa hamkke ramyeon duryeoeul ke nan oepneun geol~~

let me be the one nega isseoseo naega jonjae haneun geol
let me be the one for all your answers geu sarami narago
let me be the one sesange hana let me be the one who cares
let me be the one byeonhaji anha nasi tae eonan deado
baby its you

let me be the one neomanui saram naega dweogo siptago (let me be the one)
let me be the one nan harojongil neoman seanggak handago (geu sarami narago)
let me be the one na yaksokhalke neoreul wihae sandago (let me be the one)
let me be the one na yeongwontorok (would you let me be)
neoman saranghandago (oh let me be)

let me be the one
let me be the one


SS501 - Let Me Be The One (English)

FIRST THING FIRST, the words I want to tell you. Although I don’t know where I should start,
I’ve been quite anxious Even now I’m feeling a little shy… (OH LOVE)
I’ll try to gather up more courage. You know that I can’t say these types of awkward phrases
Once in a lifetime, I think that time is now.
I’ll start here BABY please listen
* LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one for you. I want it to be me (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, the entire day, I only think of you (OH LOVE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, I’ll promise you, that I’ll live for you (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, for eternity, I’ll love only you (OH LOVE) *
Meaningless thoughts become the wind, tears overflow to form the sea
An insufficient man like me, by meeting you I FEEL SO SPECIAL
AND GIVE LOVE, it feels like a miracle. AND LET ME, please accept my heart
The only one in the world that makes me shine
Among the many stars in the world, the one place where I can rest easy
My happiness, sadness, smiles, and tears, they are all only for you.
If I am with you I don’t have anything to be afraid of
LET ME BE THE ONE, I exist because of you
LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one in the world, LET ME BE THE ONE WHO CARES.
LET ME BE THE ONE, It won’t change, even if I am born again
LET ME BE THE ONE, the only one for you. I want it to be me (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, the entire day, I only think of you (That person is me)
LET ME BE THE ONE, I’ll promise you, that I’ll live for you (LET ME BE THE ONE)
LET ME BE THE ONE, for eternity, (WOULD YOU LET ME BE) I’ll love only you (OH LET ME BE)

Translation Credit: Destination SS501 (

SS501 - Wings Of The World (Seh Sang Ae Nahl Gae) Lyrics

SS501 - Wings Of The World (Seh Sang Ae Nahl Gae) Lyric
Eoneu nal na-ui kkumsoge jageun chotppullo dagawatjjyo
kkae-eona gi-eok mothaneun al su eoptteon kkumeun kkeunnatjjyo

Jjalbeun insawa ki jageun baraemdo ijen ijeul su eopsseoyo

Gi-eokhaeyo urin haneureul naljyo
jayuro-un sesanggwa geu kkumeul wihae
hal su itjjyo neul kkum kkweo wattteon haengbokhan useum gadeukhan got
mandeul su itjjyo

Bamhaneul gadeuk chae-ugo nameun byeolbicheun naege jweoyo
nun gameun geudae dagawa yeolbeun misoro gobaekhaetjjyo

Jjalbeun sumgyeolgwa ki jageun insado ijen ijeul su eopsseoyo

Gi-eokhaeyo urin haneureul naljyo
jayuro-un sesanggwa geu kkumeul wihae
hal su itjjyo neul kkum kkweo wattteon haengbokhan useum gadeukhan got
mandeul su itjjyo

Himi deulmyeon swi-eoyo jichin nalgae jamshi jeobeodugo
geudae useobwayo bo-inayo jjalbeun chotppulgateun geu sesang

Gi-eokhaeyo urin haneureul naljyo
jayuro-un sesanggwa geu kkumeul wihae
hal su itjjyo neul kkum kkweo wattteon haengbokhan useum gadeukhan got
mandeul su itjjyo


SS501 - Wings Of The World Translation (English)

One day in my dreams, a small candle light approached me
Then I would wake up unable to remember that dream

That short introduction and the small wind, I cannot forget now

I remember, we were the sky's day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream, the happy smile, a full place
We can make it

With the night sky and the remaining starlight, please give it to me
And I confessed to you with your eyes closed and the wide smile

With short breaths, the smal greeting, I cannot forget it now

I remember, we were the sky's day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream, the happy smile, a full place
We can make it

If its tiring, take a rest, and fold those weary wings
Laugh, can you see that small candlight? That world?

I remember, we were the sky's day
The natural world and for that dream
We can do it, always the same dream, the happy smile, a full place
We can make it

Translated by: jisun +

KISS MEs tweets about Xander

these are some of the tweets

haha.. I LOVE IT

"He really cares for his fans, and his bubbly amazing personality haha; he makes me smile ALOT #happyxanderday"
"he's not afraid to show his craziness :D #HappyXanderDay"
"i like Xander because he loves his fans. i also love his EYES. :D #happyxanderday"
"love all about xander oppa~~ ^^ #happyxanderday"
"This special Birthday greeting Is being sent your way,With may happy wishes For a truly perfect day.Happy Birthday oppa ^-^ #HappyXanderDay"
"Twitter's being over capacity because of @alexander_0729 ! You're famous WORLDWIDE, Xander! #HappyXanderDay ♡"
"attractive feature for me is his EYES his lovable eyes makes me melt :) #HappyXanderDay"
"Mmm... His friendliness and cuteness with people. <3 href="" title="#happyxanderday" class="tweet-url hashtag" rel="nofollow">#happyxanderday"
"@alexander_0729 , you're not just a Korean Superstar, but an International Superstar! On going to WORLDWIDE Superstar. <3 href="" title="#HappyXanderDay" class="tweet-url hashtag" rel="nofollow">#HappyXanderDay ♡"
"How i wish @alexander_0729 is online right now. At this very moment, to see how much we expressed our love for him! :) #HappyXanderDay ♡"

are those enough???

hehe.. their love very many..
even if they just can say that from twitter
*erm but i think xander'll read all of the tweets ^^*

saengil chukhahamnida xander

today is alexander "U-KISS" birthday..
erm.. if i'm not false,it's his 22 years birthday or 23 in south korea age
well.. today i want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY / SAENGIL CHUKHAHAMNIDA for him
wish he can get all the best..
xander is the oldest in "U-KISS"
the oldest is a big brother :)
big brother who always cares with us.. :)

so.. maybe later i will give you 23 facts about U-KISS

for the second times: HAPPY BIRTHDAY XANDER!~!

Yoochun’s manager remanded for hitting fan

It looks like Micky Yoochun’s manager isn’t off the hook yet with his recent investigation for assault which took place just a couple days ago.

It has been recently reported that the manager will be remanded, in other words, taken into custody to await trial. On the 29th, the police spoke to Money Today Star News and said, “Micky’s manager was remanded because he only argued against the assault. Violence can be interpreted in a variety of ways, and if the story of assault is true, consequences will follow. A decision will be made soon.”

In any case, Micky’s manager will likely be hit with a fine.

source: allkpop

After School’s JungAh shares stories of her ex-boyfriends to Jooyeon

After School roommates JungAh and Jooyeon shared about their special friendship while guest starring on KBS’ Star Golden Bell 1st Grade 1st Class.

MC Ji Suk Jin opened up the conversation by saying, “The two of you really seem to be close“. JungAh responded by stating, “Although we are roommates, we really are best friends.”

A miffed Ji Suk Jin pushed them by stating, “You must have gotten close by talking about your boyfriends.” Surprisingly, JungAh and Jooyeon immediately replied, “Yes.”

Following that exchange, JungAh honestly explained, “We talked about our previous boyfriends.” Then, Ji Suk Jin brought laughter to the set when he comically said, “Your ex-boyfriend? Your boyfriend from 3 days ago…

He then suggested that the two girls give brief words of advice to each other. Jooyeon complied and said, “JungAh-unni is the style to get cheated easily. I wish that she wouldn’t be so lenient about everything.” In response, JungAh said, “Jooyeon talks about her private life a lot and I often think, ‘She really does trust in me.’ However I wish that she wouldn’t talk about such useless things. She even talks about how many hours she slept in a day.

This episode of Star Golden Bell will air on July 31st.

source: allkpop

Brown Eyed Girl’s Ga-In has a look-alike!

It looks like Brown Eyed Girl’s Ga-In has a true look-alike to a non-celebrity that goes by the name of Seo Ye Seul!

On a recent episode of tvN’s Hwa Seong In vs Hwa Seong In that aired on the 29th, Seo Ye Seul made an appearance and was immediately compared to Ga-In displaying all of their identical features.

Ga-In’s smokey eye signature trademark look was even similar, as can be seen in the photos. The other features that were found to be the same include hair, clothing style, and cosmetic choice.

The production team of the show invited a professional plastic surgeon to analyze their features in full detail and concluded that their eyes are a whopping 80% alike. Their entire appearance was then compared which turned out to be 95% alike.

A survey was also completed with the participation of 200 people on the streets. Most, if not all, stated that the two were the same person.

Separated at birth?!

source: allkpop

Brown Eyed Girl’s Ga-In has a look-alike!

It looks like Brown Eyed Girl’s Ga-In has a true look-alike to a non-celebrity that goes by the name of Seo Ye Seul!

On a recent episode of tvN’s Hwa Seong In vs Hwa Seong In that aired on the 29th, Seo Ye Seul made an appearance and was immediately compared to Ga-In displaying all of their identical features.

Ga-In’s smokey eye signature trademark look was even similar, as can be seen in the photos. The other features that were found to be the same include hair, clothing style, and cosmetic choice.

The production team of the show invited a professional plastic surgeon to analyze their features in full detail and concluded that their eyes are a whopping 80% alike. Their entire appearance was then compared which turned out to be 95% alike.

A survey was also completed with the participation of 200 people on the streets. Most, if not all, stated that the two were the same person.

Separated at birth?!

source: allkpop

Rookie group 20star to debut in August

As if 13 members in a band weren’t enough, it seems like we now have a new band with approximately 17 members!

Under TGN Entertainment, a new boy band will emerge with the name 20star. With 17 or so members (the numbers have been wavering from source to source), we know that this will be the biggest idol group in Korean pop to date! The members include A-Run, who has been dubbed the leader of this band, as well as Xeno, Ricky, Dongkyu, Daeyoung, Luie, Dowon, Jaeyoon, Seungtae, Hongmin (Min), Ryan, Shinsong, Shiho, Sangmin, and Hwan. The year of birth for the listed members range from 1989 to 1994, with A-Run being the oldest and Xeno the youngest.

Although only 15 members have been named, there are supposedly more members that will be added to this band. In addition, it has been reported that a member by the name of Noh Taepoong has already withdrawn from the group.

Though there is not yet much known about this rookie group, it has been rumored that they will debut sometime in August.

source: allK-pop

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

SS501 n U-KISS facts


1.According to Pops In Seoul, SS501's top 4 songs are: 1. Love Like This 2. Because I'm Stupid 3. U R MAN 4. Love Ya #random501facts
2.The 'U R MAN' dance is known as the 'shoulder dance'. #random501facts
Youngsaeng draws well. #random501facts
Kyujong can't take anything too spicy. #random501facts
Omg, you know what?! UKISS mentioned SS501 in Pops In Seoul! STAR OF THE WEEK
Kyujong can't swim. Hyunjoong is scared of sharks. #random501facts
Youngsaeng don't like potatoes too. (via @dhianieko) #random501facts
Kim Hyung Jun & Kim Ki Bum composed music in the name of "HnB". They are in the graphic designing business too. #random501facts
9.kyu doesn't like corn,young saeng doesn't like fish,baby doesn't like vegetables #random501facts
.Okay I think YS had his Lasik surgery as well. Leader, Kyu and Baby all had Lasik. What about our Park CEO? #eternalLoveSS501.
.Seems like everyone has different views! For me, its A Song Calling For You & Let Me Be The One. (: #eternalLoveSS501 .
Kim Hyun Joong's motto: "Life is what you make with one chance" #SS501facts
Park Jung Min's motto: "Always live with a thankful heart" #SS501facts.
Kim Hyung Joon's motto: "Walk, and keep walking" #SS501facts..
Heo Young Saeng's motto: "Just move forward" #SS501facts


."Skins and bones is what they describe me now. Chubby and cute is what they described me before." -- Kevin. #ukissfacts
."Even if im worst in korean writing [hangeul], at least i rap better than Eli." -- Xander. #ukissfacts.
U-Kiss members are tall, all of them are at least 180cm, except Kevin and Dongho, but they're near to 180cm. #UKISSfacts.
Soohyun takes good care of his voice, as he always brings Lozenges around with him, to keep his voice in the best condition. #UKISSfacts
"I like learning new languages. Its one of my special abilities; to be able to speak a lot of languages!" -- Xander. #ukissfacts
Kevin:Dream the impossible dream, i must say! Eli:But that's a song. Kevin:Oh, it is? Well, dreams do come true! Eli:Whatever. #ukissfacts.
7."I envy my hyungs cause they get to sing a lot in one song while i sing 12 words maximum in one song." -- DongHo. #ukissfacts.
Kiseop's favourite idol group is F.Cuz, and the F.Cuz members can imitate Kiseop on Mworago. #UKISSfacts.
Kibum always falls asleep inbetween schedules and in the car, #UKISSfacts .
U-Kiss members voted Kiseop as the funniest member. #UKISSfacts.
"I'll protect my girlfriend no matter what happens. I'll always stay by her side." -- SooHyun. #ukissfacts.
If DongHo cant fall asleep, he always sings himself to sleep. #ukissfacts.
All members are Christians. Except for Kiseop who is a Buddhist. #ukissfacts.
"I envy how EunHyuk hyung can dance so good!" -- DongHo. #ukissfacts
15."When im alone, i really miss my members. But when im with them, i rather stay alone." -- KiBum. #ukissfacts.

Photos II


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