Minggu, 07 November 2010

MBLAQ’s Lee Joon is suffering from insomnia and bipolar disorder

MBLAQ’s Lee Joon showed up for an interview with Newsen having only slept for 40 minutes out of the entire day. When told that he looked tired, he nonchalantly replied, “It’s fine, I’m used to such a lifestyle.”
Is there any other idol as busy as he is? Busily preparing for MBLAQ’s new album, filming for KBS 2TV’s “Jungle Fish 2,” working on variety programs – it seems like even 10 bodies won’t be enough to complete Lee Joon’s hectic schedule.
Lee Joon previously showed glimpses of his fatigue while appearing on an Mnet program and dozed off while on the show. Viewers began wondering whether he wasn’t putting in enough effort into the show, and said it was right for him to have lost his admission to Seoul University.
Regarding this issue, Lee Joon stated that he felt regretful, but he had a reason. He clarified, “I had no time to rest during that period. I knew that I had to study, but I couldn’t. I have a severe bipolar disorder, and people only saw what was broadcasted on TV. They don’t see the effort behind the screen, such as the late-night rehearsals. No matter how hard I tried, my body just couldn’t keep up with me, so it was very upsetting.”
Despite the physical and mental stress, Lee Joon continues to work hard in improving himself and achieving satisfaction in his work.
Acting is so fun. I have to work harder on it, but it’s hard to pay too much attention to it when I also have album promotions to do. While on break from the drama, I’d go film for a variety program, and then record for MBLAQ’s album during the 30-minute breaks. I wanted to do at least one thing properly, but I was never satisfied with what I put out.”
Despite having to work under such harsh conditions, Lee Joon stated that he was doing the best he could, and as joyfully as he could. “I’ve suffered from insomnia before my debut. It was fixed for a bit due to the fatigue after our debut, but it has come back recently. I haven’t slept for two days today and went for my script reading. It’s fun, so it’s all right. I don’t think I’ll be appearing on variety programs as often. I’ll be working hard on my drama and making sure our new album is of high quality.”
Source + Photo: Newsen
Tip: leejoonwifey
via: allkpop

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Member MBLAQ, Lee Joon menyatakan dalam sebuah wawancaranya dengan Newsen bahwa dia hanya tidur selama 40 MENIT dalam sehari. Saat dibilang oleh reporternya kalau dia tampak kelelahan,dia menajwab “Ga papa kok. Aku sudah terbiasa dengan gaya hidup seperti ini.”

Mau tau seberapa sibuk Lee Joon sekarang ??? Mempersiapkan album baru MBLAQ, syuting drama baru KBS 2TV “Jungle Fish 2,” dan mengisi berbagai variety show, bahkan kalau dibiang, 10 badan saja tidak bisa memenuhi jadwal padatnya.

Lee Joon beberapa waktu lalu menunjukkan rasa lelahnya di sebuah acara Mnet dan sangat mengantuk saat acara itu. Penonton mulai mengira2 kalau dia tidak sepenuhnya berusaha untuk acara itu program dan akhirnya dia gagal masuk Seoul University.

Lee joon bilang, “Aku tidak punya waktu cukup untuk istirahat saat itu. Aku tahu aku harus belajar, tapi tidak bisa. Aku menderita bipolar disorder dan oran2 hanya melihat apa yg ada di layar teve. Mereka tidak tahu kerja keras kami di balik layar, seperti saat latihan kami. Seberapa keras pun aku berusaha, badanku tetap tidak bisa sepenuhnya, jadi ya mengecewakan juga.”

Meski menderita bipolar disorder dan mulai merasa adanya insomnia juga, Lee Joon tetap berusaha keras untuk meningkatkan kualitas dirinya agar bisa menghasilkan kerja yg memuaskan.

“Akting itu menyenangkan. Aku harus berusaha keras untuk itu, tapi aku tidak perlu terlalu fokus ke situ, ketika aku pun harus promosi album. Saat tidak syuting drama, aku syuting acara variety show dan lalu rekaman untuk album MBLAQ dan istirahat 30 menit. Aku inginnya sih melakukan 1 hal tapi secara fokus, tapi aku tidak pernah puas dengan apa yg aku lakukan.”

Dikatakan lagi, “Aku menderita insomnia jauh sebelum debut. Agak berubah sedikit karena kelelahan setelah debut, tapi sekarang sudah mulai kembali lagi. Aku bahkan tidak tidur 2 hari ini dan sedang membaca naskah drama. Menyenangkan kok, aku gak papa. Aku tidak berpikir kalau aku bisa muncul di berbagai variety show sesering sekaran. Aku akan berusaha keras untuk drama ku dan akan memastikan kalau album kami akan jadi album yg berkualitas.”

Source + Photo: Newsen
Tip: leejoonwifey

via allkpop 
*me: hua oppa!! TT^TT this artcile makes me sad.. you have to try sleep well

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