Senin, 07 Maret 2011

[Info] CNR Notice: Regarding Park JungMin chinese name [04.03.11]

English translatin:
Please repost with full credit
To every dear big China region friends
We are CNR Media. Firstly really thank you everybody’s love and support towards Park JungMin all this while, today in order to clarify with everybody regarding Park JungMin’s chinese name standardization, has specially released this notice, hoping to resolve all your doubts.
As Park JungMin’s agency, we realized that currently in the big Chinese region there are many different versions of Park JungMin’s chinese translated name, they include ‘朴政玟’, ‘朴正民’, ‘樸政玟’, although no matter what kind of translation, the pronunciation is not wrong, is also referring to Park JungMin himself, but since when we normally process Park JungMin’s immigration documents for travel, we noticed the chinese word in his household registration and ID recorded as ‘朴政珉’ (Because Park JungMin has never took notice about this all the while, everybody please do not blame him), after Park JungMin clarified this, he immediately changed his chinese signature to 朴政珉, as this is the name that his parents had put in their heart to name him. Also because of this, our agency has decided from now on when holding activities in the big Chinese region and also in Japan region which uses kanji, will standardize the usage this name ‘朴政珉’, this is also the reason why previously we had specially recorded a movie clip, requesting Park JungMin himself to inform everybody about the standardization of this chinese translated name.
Of course we also understand, wanting everybody to change the chinese translated name that you have already familiar with, will definitely feel mix up or can’t get use to, therefore we would like to express our apologies to everybody, also hope everybody will excuse us. In future, hope friends in big Chinese region, when Park JungMin uses ‘朴政珉”s name during activities, will continue to gain love and support from everybody! Thank you everybody!
Yours sincerely,
CNR Media

via: rainaftershine

me: i dunno the diffrent -_-

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